FAC-120 and FAC-240 Furnace Controls

The FAC-120 and FAC-240 furnace blower controls will enhance the performance of your furnace with and AC unit.
This Indoor fan control regulates the speed of PSC blower motors as heating and cooling supply temperatures change. They can be operated in the continuous mode or auto mode. Vastly improves comfort and balance of any HVAC system. It is a must for the maximum efficiency of all IAQ products and for humidity removal during A/C
Unlock the potential of your furnace.
FanHandlers unique approach of temperature controlled air flow, provides impressive benefits, including increased comfort, efficiency, noise reduction, and indoor air quality improvements. The Fan Handler FAC-120 (120 volt version) and the FAC-240 (240 volt version) are designed to modulate the speed of PSC motors and have been designed to maximize the performance of furnace and AC conditioning systems.
While the FAC-120 and FAC 240 controls are primarily intended to increase comfort, they also help to reduce the energy consumption of your blower motor. This is achieved through blower speed reduction. The amount of power required to run the blower motor increases exponentially with the blowers speed. This means the even small reductions in speed can have a big impact on the power consumed. Rather than running the blower full speed all the time. The FAC-120 continually monitors the air temperature and intelligently adjusts the blower to meet the current need of the system. This means lower average run speeds and higher overall efficiency. This is especially true when running the fan continuous for better air quality.