HP-120 and HP-240 Heat Pump Controls

The HP-120 and HP-240 Heat Pump controls are specially designed to maximize the efficiency of your heat pump.
There isn’t a heat pump that was ever installed that can’t be vastly improved by the installation of the HP model FanHandler. Heat right away instead of that cold heat pump draft that seems to last forever. This control lowers the balance point temperature and increases heat pump efficiency.
Unlock your heat pumps true potential.
FanHandlers unique approach of temperature controlled air flow, provides impressive benefits, including increased comfort, efficiency, noise reduction, and indoor air quality improvements. These improvements are especially prominent in heat pump systems. The Fan Handler HP-120 (120 volt version) and the HP-240 (240 volt version) are designed to vary the speed of PSC motors and have been tuned to meet the demands of heat pump systems.
Heat pumps require precise air flow control for maximum efficiency.
The major component of any heat pump is its compressor. The compressor does the work of heating and cooling a given space. However, it needs the correct air flow to keep it running efficiently. Too much or too little air flow and you not only lose efficiency, but you risk causing damage or reducing the life of the system. By monitoring the temperature of the air, the HP-120 and HP-240 controls can precisely adjust the air flow to meet the need of the Heat pump at any given time. This maximizes the compressors efficiency during the entire heating or cooling cycle, for every cycle, no matter what the current conditions are.
Hi Ryan,
Controller arrived on Friday and was installed on Saturday. Works great. I actually have used it operating in a differential pressure mode with a flow probe prior to the filter on the return and a flow probe about 2/3 of the way down the main duct (as I was taught for VAV systems).
I’m very pleased with how this works and it has solved the control problem I was dealing with. The Bosch airhandler in the installation is capable of two speeds, but of course the ECM 4Z doesn’t care about those. One possible improvement for your controller is to allow for a different HI set point for Stage 1 and Stage 2 call. Stage 2 could be at a higher TESP, which would be a bit noisier, but generally wouldn’t be used. As is stands the ramping up of the fan is gentle and not very noticeable unless you listen for it. Much better than before.